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Stride Skills Arcade Logo

Thank you for your interest in Stride Skills Arcade!

You are one step away from entering the world of games and rewards!

At this time, we are unable to locate your Stride Skills Arcade course enrollment. To launch Stride Skills Arcade, please contact your teacher or school to access a Stride Skills Arcade course classroom.

We hope to see you return to explore Stride Skills Arcade where students can practice questions to earn coins and play fun games!

Learn more about Stride Skills Arcade

Stride Skills Arcade math question.

It looks like Stride Skills Arcade doesn’t have any info about you yet. To get this link working, please contact your teacher or school and ask them to add you to a course classroom.

Technical Details:

Summary: For this courseclassroom launch, no user matches the requested userid, no class matches the requested contextid, no enrollment exists, and no coursecode was provided.


Requested UserID: (No match available)

Requested ContextID: (No match available)

Requested EnrollmentID: (No match available)

Timestamp: 04/23/2024: 19:59:34PM

Hidden Error Message: Exception: Error code STR-1005 - Invalid or missing lti_message_type parameter.. See details below:

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